Crow Hill Corriedales

Cameron, On

Company / Farm Name: Crow Hill Corriedales



Facebook: Crow Hill Corriedales



Our Registered Corriedale Flock began in 2006 with a few registered sheep. It is now a flock of 50 with both Registered and Natural Coloured ewes.  We strive to improve our fleece quality while maintaining good confirmation, twinning and carcass value. Our pastures consist of native legumes and grasses.

We believe in farming sustainably. A wetland has been reconstructed were one use to be. It provides habitat for turtles, frogs, pairing birds while the cattails filter the runoff from neighbouring agriculture before the creek takes it to Sturgeon Lake. All native species of plants, trees and shrubs have been planted to creating a Tall Grass Prairie and a Meadow. This is habitat for native bees and nesting habitat for Grassland birds

Products Sold:

  • Corriedale skirted fleeces
  • Rovings in natural colours of white, cream, grays, brown, black.
  • Hides when available
  • Registered Corriedale breeding stock
  • Freezer lamb at Fenelon Falls Farmers Market and farmgate
  • Honey from our hives